Monday was Valentines Day, and while many got struck by Cupid's arrow, those of us who are first year students in CreComm got struck with the reality of having to choose a major by Friday at high noon.
For some, it was a no brainer. They just knew. Perhaps they knew the first day they walked in to the college, but for me and some others it was a little more complicated.
I have never thought of myself as an indecisive person, when I see something or someone I want in my life, I go full hearted and headstrong, despite the obstacles.
In this case, all the obstacles were like seats in a game of musical chairs.
All seats look inviting but where was I going to run to, when the music stopped.
I felt like I had the world on my shoulders all week, as I treked uphill on Wishy Washy Road.
Thursday night I had it narrowed down to two..............
Should my career path emulate Donald Draper or Clark Kent??
Draper is hard hitting in a board room and longs for hard alcohol and easy women.
Kent is hard hitting in the world and longs for the girl he finds intoxicating; who he finds hard to get.
They both have identity crisis's.
Draper is the agency hero and complex and Kent is complicated and has a hero complex.
I would have rather been wrestling with Hemingway than all the thoughts that punched against the walls of my mind this past week.
The music stopped.
With four chairs to run to, I remembered a quote I had heard two nights before:
"Good Journalism makes things happen"
It was at that moment, I felt like Atlas; the moment he shrugged.
Chasing after "THE" girl and trying to make the world a better place through example.
I headed for the journalism stool where I will sit perched in hopes to change the world or at least the way people see it.
I am a warrior and my pen will be mightier than my sword. (Well, my laptop actually)
With my nice guy personality and my hero complex, I am aiming to be a super man and hoping to be a good journalist.
And who knows.... maybe my Lois will one day, come around.
The first rule of Fight Blog is you must comment on Fight Blog.
If you are the all singing, all dancing crap of the world....What is your song?
You are the heart, you put into life.
You are the character you write for yourself.
You are not the course of your major, but the course in which you take yourself.