Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Social Network

 May contain spoilers:

A social night out that I have not had in a while with new friends that I did not meet on facebook but actually in person.
Some may be thinking how will this pertain to the consistent theme I normally have in Fight Blog.

For starters.
Director of FIGHT CLUB

Facebook was spawn from many things are; such as Maroon 5's Songs about Jane and the only ear to ever be sent in the mail courtesy of Van Gogh.
Zuckerberg never wrote any songs, or sent an ear but he did write an eyeful on his blog and than got an earful for it later.
In fighting off his heartbreak he had a breaking new idea; FACEBOOK

Seems reasonable, push away a close friend, then find a way to invite new estranged ones in to your life.

Would I say that Mark Zuckerberg was portrayed in a positive light?
I would say he was portrayed as human, as we all just are, with actons often driven by jealousy and insecurity and acceptance and power.
He pushed away a girl he really liked, in a bit of a negative  way, but he channeled losing her into a positive enterprise, in which I believe he just got caught in the undertow of.

I must say, if I have learnt anything, it is that if I cant find LOKE (A combination of love and like; I don't want to set the bar too high) than I better find my way to some innovation and make some money.

Money may not buy love, but it can buy your way out of a hefty lawsuit after you fuck your friends over, and remember your status is single so who else are you gonna screw.

The fight to be cool: the beginning essence of FACEBOOK how true that is in heartbreak, you must show the one who broke your heart you are cool, ZEN even, that you don't care.
You must be cool in order to attract new hearts, but if you invest too much into being cool, you lose your essence.

The fight to rise above the silver spoon fed, especially when you have better recipes for success, but are forced to eat with plastic cafeteria sporks. Zuckerberg did this but had to eat some crow for it later, but with proper silverware.

The fight to be accepted by old friends and new ones, when you succeed at this, it is one more uppercut in the face of loneliness.

So at the end of the day with his billion in the bank, maybe Zuckerberg got in his share of uppercuts.

Did I like the movie?
I did.
Fincher is a brilliant director, and in my opinion if you are a fan of his movies such as Fight Club you can tell his trade marks and fingerprints were all over the Social Network.

This is just one man's opinion but I expect the film was positive for the webite. It gave life, character, heart, and a humanism to Zuckerberg that I believe we can all relate to, even if we care not to.
I actually appreciate the site even more now, knowing it was the lost affection of a woman that catapulted it.

That might just be the hopless romantic in me speaking, but you have to appreciate someone who takes a relationship gone a wry from poor social couth and allow heartbreak, anger, and innovation to spiral it into a social phenomenom.

In the PR Post called Zuckerberg, Hearst and Hollywood: Zuckerberg kind of blows the whole movie off.

I actually appreciate that and I think a wider audience would too. It shows that he doesn't take himself too seriously. I noticed nothing was mentioned about the girl in the movie, maybe an oversight, maybe an omission, maybe she was fiction.

As a guy I stand by, that many great things can be fueled by the affection for, or the loss of a girl.
I choose to believe this is no exception.

For my fight blog fans:
Remember sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken.

But if I am wrong, then another RULE OF FIGHT BLOG is;  You must not eat another chicken it is cruel to chickens and bad for business.

Stop fighting the urge!
Get up from your computer!
Go outside and get social!



  1. I really like how you talked about Zuckerberg's portrayal as a complex person with many motives and desires and feelings of jealousy and insecurity. It's important for us to remember that even though he's a business man, he's a person too! Great post!

  2. You are so articulate! Reading your blog helped me see the movie in a new light. Also, interesting about him directing Fight Club!

  3. Spork is my new favorite word. This is also your best blog post to date. When I was watching this film, I actually thought about you a lot. Please don't take that the wrong way. Haha, I just know that you're a big Fincher fan.

  4. What nice comments here!

    All of the best things I've accomplished in life were pretty much the result of a break-up. People should break up more often. Ha!

  5. Your blog entries always make me smile!
