From my movie collection, I just finished watching Finding Neverland the true story of how J.M. Barrie created the boy wouldn't grow up. It occurred to me how while Barrie once upon a time was finding it; since then, most of us fight it off.
For a minute take a moment and remember the days of pillow forts and tree houses and imaginary friends and by imaginary I mean imagination, the best friend of all.
We all had imagination as our best friend at some point no matter how brief. There was a time where we believed that the world had magic in it and that anything was possible. Then there is that point in life where we get our first kick, then another and another before you know it we are jaded.
Time may make us age where eventually our tick-tock parts begin to sag and we grow weary.
But there is no need for it to make us grow up!
Age is just a number and what ever it may be it should not number out the spirit of hope, adventure and imagination in us.
It is sad as you look around and see that so many people have misplaced it but it is a tragedy when you see that kids have lost it.
In a world of innocence lost too soon, broken homes, dead beat parents in some cases technology or just the grim reaper of temptation knocking on the door of preteens, kids grow up too soon.

Many of us who strive for careers in the creative fields keep it alive more than others. The children authors, the writers, painters, poets, filmmakers who create those worlds to escape to.
J.M. Barrie is a perfect example of an adult who was able to revive his life and putting the spark back in by looking at the world through the eyes of children and in some cases inspiring children to look through those eyes as well.
He created and fought for Neverland. He was the man in Pan.
When he first befriended the Davies boys; people spoke of how that it was inappropriate and wondered if there was something more perverse behind it.
He replied: "That is outrageous. How could anyone think such an evil thing, they are just innocent children".
In a world that has had so many terrible things happen over time, peoples views get skewed and jaded.
Those are the biggest fighters against Neverland that the aged can't still be kids at heart.
Which makes me think of Michael Jackson a man very much like J.M Barrie who has had interactions with children that also inspired his creative.
Michael Jackson never quite grew up and had his Neverland within reach. I think he is more than a Pan but more like the creator.
Interestingly enough... J. M. / M.J.
Barrie the last name of the man who created a world where kids don't have to grow up too fast....
Barry the first name of Barry Gordy; a man who signed the Jackson 5 and put M.J. on a fast tract to success and in some ways growing up too fast.
Don't fight off Neverland, fight for it, no matter what happens in your life that kicks you down, or scars you, don't let it jade you. Believe in fairies and that good things are possible, have hope and dreams and silliness.
Life goes by too quick to grow up so fast.

You are not your eaten time!
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ReplyDeleteThanks for the semester one memories!