Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Tygra Vs Panthro


A fight between Tygra and Panthro was  a request from one of my fellow Chaddketeers who appreciates the Thundercats.

It also seems appropriate as first term in CreComm at Red River is coming to an end and posters of the Thundercats line the hallway advertising an End of the Term Party.
Although it  is a time to celebrate a break of the mind, and a time to relax and enjoy friends and family.
It is also a time and break from good connections made for many of us, as things get shaken up in the new year and term ahead.
Although I may seem like the kind of guy who loves change as I never keep one style for too long, this is a change I fear I am not sure I am ready to embrace.

It is true that there is strength in numbers as I have found my own strength through the number 3. I can only hope with the loss of such great supporting strength ahead, it will not showcase too much of my own weakness.

Like the the Thundercats lived and fought their fight on Third Earth, I have been fighting my good fight and living in "Three World" Section 3, that is, of the Creative Communications program at Red River. It has been hands down one of the greatest experiences of my life and I have the many talented people that have shared my journey with me to thank.

I am leaving my "Three World" and embarking on a new path. The one I will now journey through is that of "Two" For my friends who won't be fighting by my side next term I will surely miss, but now on to the "Mane" attraction  

A staunch, level-headed warrior, based on a tiger, Tygra is known as the ThunderCat architect and scientist. He is the one Lion-O often turns to as second-in-command and for counsel. He is responsible for the design of all of the ThunderCat structures on Third Earth — the Cat’s Lair and the Tower of Omens. He is also gifted with "mind-power" — the ability to create life-like illusions in other people's minds; He is armed with a large bolo whip. that he can use to make himself invisible.
Tygra is the strong silent type, he has integrity and is an old soul and a romantic at heart as he harbors romantic feelings for Cheetara.
His weakness is that he can not swim and he hangs on to what he went through as boy.
 ( I am very much like Tygra)

This physically strong and cunning warrior is based on a panther. Panthro is known as the Thundercat mechanic/engineer and pilot. he is the second most noble and helps to build all the Thundercat vehicles. He arms himself with his martial art skills and nunchucks and the spikes on his chest can be used as projectile weapons or rappeling lines.
Panthro is a jovial soul but is also quick to lose his temper. His greatest weakness is his fear of bats and dislike of spiders.

So while my fight is soon ending with some of the most talented, coolest cats I've had the pleasure to know.......


You tell me................... who would win a fight between these two cats?
(Assuming they stay away from bat caves and swimming pools......)

One of the rules of Fight Blog is you must comment on Fight Blog

There is more to change than the coins in your pocket;
You are not your fears and weaknesses:


  1. Tygra, if it's a fair fight. Panthro is it's prison rules.

  2. Panthro is the greatest name ever. I shall bestow it upon my first born.

  3. This is tough. Tygra only used his mind power once, but I think if he pulled that out again he could take it. Based on brute strength alone, no special powers, Panthro. Also his theme music is funky as hell, so he wins there too. Tough choice. I'm glad you didn't pit anyone against Lion O. Of course that guy has to win because of those damn trials. Ugh. Good fight though. Panthro all the way, powers or not.

  4. You forgot the powers of Panthro's nunchucks. His temper might get the best of him and Tygra is the best :)

  5. Panthro is the best fighter among them. Most agile and strongest. Sure Tyrga is hella intelligent, and can go nvisible, but Panthro has his tricks also. Over aggressive vs rediculous evasive. Panthro pulls it off in a one time clinch, then mauls his friend tygra to death.
