Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Fantastic Five & The Fight To Take Out the Trash

It's a Rip
It's a Tear
It's........ Buyer Beware

Our heroes were spending another day in class when they got the call, they were needed to warn consumers and save them from their bad habits and perhaps the most evil Villian of all...... False Advertising and his minions.
False and his minions seemed to be everywhere, and so many situations of theirs, needed to be dealt with; so where to start.
The Fantastic Five noticed that not only crime littered their beloved Manitoba streets but also garbage.
They were off to do some investigating and finally earlier this afternoon caught up with the Trash Bag Gang.

The Duo:/ The Rona Boys/ There was Eco Recycable and Eco Biodegradable a father and son.
Eco Bio was a hippie, he promised to be good to the earth, but he also promised to be strong in his fight with trash, The Fantastic Five planned to call him on this promise.

Eco Recycable wasn't as commited to the earth as his son but made up for it in his strength of character.

Old School: The Husky: Husky didn't believe in going green, he just was; and was beginning to go soft in the seams.

The Pretty Boy: Glad Force Flex: GFF was the gang "G", he had the diamond bling and was known to stretch the truth on the weight he held in the community.

The Ladies Man: Great Value: he was popular with the housewives, and quite the charmer with the pocketbook but how much weight the charm carried with the ladies.....

The Fantastic Five was about to find out.....

Michelle, the Host with the Most lured them to her own turf and she knew even though sticks and stones don't break most bones, it might just tear this gang up.

Sharon the Eye, she captured everyting, this gang could pull no tricks, she called their bluff and caught all their stuff on film.

Miss Detail aka Brea, she had detail down to the letter and there was no trash talk this gang could do to get away from her stamp of approval.

The Paper Boys aka Chadd & Dave, it was Paper Vs Plastc as the boys tested the gangs true stength.....


Tune in next time when the Fantastic Five uncover the true strengths of the Trash Bag Gang........

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Facebook Vs Twitter

This blog is for the Die Hard facebookers, the Hudson Hawk tweeters, Kenton Larsen.........
and Bruce Willis, to whom I never got to say: Sorry about Demi. She was hot! ....and still is.  Way to go Ashton you're the man, except in Killers; that movie sucked!

The main event:

In one corner the Title Fighter, Facebook and....well everybody, people you went to school with and never really liked, and you're pretty sure they don't like you but they are there,  so are random people you met in social settings, and stalkers that out of nowhere ask to be in your corner and and in a split text decision, they win you over by surviving  eenie miney mo and avoid a tko.
So in the the FB ring you are feeling pretty good as your 500 fans cheer you on but in your normal everyday fight, maybe 5 people actually have your back.

In the other corner, the new kid, the contender. Twitter.  Twitter is like a new song you hear on the radio, unfamilar, but has some kick and by the end of the day your singing it's praise.


Both fighters face their opponent than begin to fly around the ring. They are both cocky competitors, throwing jabs trying to out beat eachother in the status quo and update.

They talk big but are men of few words one always ends up getting punched out after 140 words or so.

Facebook taunts Twitter, saying he's just for the birds, Twitter won't back down and grabs the bull by the horns, and after that kicks the ass of  every other farm animal that facebook trys to throw his way.

The champ is getting tired and people are getting tred of the champ, more begin to follow Twitter in his fight.

Facebook digs deep, hoping he has some hidden treasure inside that can buy his way out of this fight, he punches Twitter in the stomach

Twitter wobbles for a moment but is actually getting a second wind and stronger...he winds up and punches his opponent in the FACE!

Facebook is down for the count. Twitter a featherweight fighter, offered up some heavy competition and is the new Champ.

Coming soon: Twitter VS Bruce in Die Hard 5; Tweet With A Vengence

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Fighting the Good Fight!

Alright Folks
Enough cutesy blogs for a moment, and the tweet one was for Kenton since he requested so nicely, but time for a little substance.

Let's start off on a personal note:

-CreComm 3 Vs The Streeter:
Round 1:

CreComm3 prevailed and all did better than expected was the census, I have to give a shout out to my new good friend and the the top of our class, the journalist Ali of the week, Mr. Ryan McBride; Congrats Ryan!
The whole class can sleep easier now, at least til friday.

-Finkleman Vs Public Speaking

Ken Finkleman author of Noah's Turn graced us with his presence to end the school day. He began quiet scoping out his opponent, us the audience, started with a little dancing in the ring he said he hadn't spoken in public for a while but than came out swinging.
After a bit you would have never known it.
I learnt more about how the system is crumbling and how Jon Stewart and Colbert is selling out than I did about where the passion from his book stemed from, but was fully entertained.
He was a colorful character to say the least, in fact he was Noah or vice versa.

I was up close and personal, I felt spit and laughed as his dark humor made light of the event.
 Plus I got him to sign my book, which was kinda cool.

- The Main Event of the Evening

For 6:00 I ventured down the street to 300 Princess, Siloam Mission, where I gave 3 hours of my time.

Chadd Vs Spuds
I peeled a couple pails of potatoes, hadn't done that since I worked at a Jamaican restaurant when I was 15.
Where my boss at the time said:
"What ya doin man, ya gotta be gettin all de skin off de potata na"
My skills have improved since than.
The food was prepped, the metal window opened and I stood on the front line, where I served the homeless.
Across from me bolted to the wall was a flat screen tv, which I thought was nice, it gave more of an at home feel, but what was on the tv channel; I thought was interesting, perhaps some poetic justice in a way.

It was Mike Tyson, a man who has fought a good fight both in and outside the ring, he is a man no stranger to struggle, not unlike any of the good people in line for a warm meal.

John Lennon once said: Life is what happens while your making other plans, and I am sure not one of the people I served had ever planned to be where they are.

They are the beautiful broken but not unfixable, I saw a couple of guys I knew from one situation or another.

I didn't get a chance to talk to many for as long as I would have liked.  But just having the chance to help out and serve them a warm meal, and to know that the roast beef and potatoes and veggies, plus dessert, was what made their day, felt good.

Back to Finkleman for a moment in his novel the character Noah recalls his prof saying:
 "Everyone has their own battle"

That really jumped out at me tonight as I was in the corner of the day to day fighter, it humbled me and made me thankful and realize one should keep fighting, no matter what punches life throws your way.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Tweet Club

Been a matter of days since my joining of tweet club. Membership mandatory.
An underground cyber room we duel in tweets the locale where I sling flash fiction also mandatory.
Flash fiction is like crack rock once you start  it's hard to stop.

First rule of tweet club is you have to tweet.
Second rule of tweet club is you have to tweet.
Like Tyler you have followers.

Third rule: When your tweet reaches 140 your tweet is done.
Fourth rule. One tweet at a time.

Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a tweeter, it may be for the birds, but if you wanna soar with the eagles, you must first learn to tweet.

The sky is the limit in my new found Communication bliss.

Keep it simple stupid you only got 140 characters, a chance to show your true character, and post your blog and other links.

Get crazy!
Have fun!
Mischief, Mayhem, Tweets

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Poll of the week almost got away from me:

Do All You Need is Love?
Or does one need the Satisfaction of a good ass kicking

Both have great hits!
I'm a Beatle's man myself.

Ooh Ah Oooh... Do you want to have a gang fight?
oooh ah oooh
Do you promise not to tell?
Oooh ah ooooh
Let me punch you in the ear
Beatles vs Stones
Your opinion let me  hear.....

On who would win... Gang mentality or one on one
Modern or West Side Story style ..... you decide

My guess would be that Keith would be having George crying for his mom and his sweet lord.
He's kind of a crazy pirate...

But  I'm still a Beatlemaniac through and through.....

Let me know your favorite Beatle or Stone, your  favorite song or tell me would win a fight with who and what  even Clue style if you wish.....

Ex: It was John in the yellow submarine with a bat and Jack flash will jump no more..... decide....

Remember the second rule......

You must commment at Fight Blog

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Fight Within/ Fight Club Part II

Fellow classmates: I took a creative writing class for fun two summers ago and one of the assignments was to write a  condensed prequel or sequel to a movie we liked in short story form. I was looking for something when I got home and my sequel to Fight Club literally fell at my feet. In light of my blog, thought I would post it for fun, hope those who give it a gander, enjoy it.

The Fight Within
Fight Club Part II

    I am Tyler's hideous scar.
I am stared at and recognized, but never questioned.
I have tried to forget about Tyler, but his scar is embedded in my face. I feel like I haven't been completely honest, seat 7F was not the first time I met Tyler Durden, nor was it the first time Tyler met Jack.
   I am Jack's screaming embarassment.
Tyler and I once had a conversation of who we would most like to fight.
I said my boss; Tyler said his dad, one in the same.
My dad's name was Jack.
Jack wanted me to get a good job, a respectable wardrobe, and tangible possesions; we can convince other people we're something we're not, but never ourselves.
We are our parents.
   In any dictionary, the term boss; is to supervise, control, and give orders to. The world needs a boss, for we are lacking control and are without order, and don't tell me GOD is it. For, he has washed his hands of us since Adam and Eve, now he just laughs as we bask in our naked essence, too oblivious to be ashamed.
We are GOD's comic relief.
These thoughts are racing through my head, as I lay on this floral print sturdy couch. My left hand is tucked in my pants as I drift through thought clouds; staring at the taupe painted walls.
Taupe is said to be soothing, which is why it is the color of choice in mental institutions; which is where I am.
People tend to question your frame of mind, when you shoot yourself in the face.
"I shot Tyler" I said.
"We know" would be there reply.
   There's some fat female therapist sitting across from me trying to open me up. She's having as much luck, as when you try to open a wine bottle, and the cork breaks and gets wedged in the neck, and no matter how hard you try, you can't get it out. All I can think of, is how many bars of soap her fat ass would make. I respond to her, my lips are moving but it might as well be my sphincter.
Jack's sphincter is conversating.
   I'm thinking about Marla Singer, I can't get a hold of her, man, that girl could fuck. The therapist is now talking about improving my self esteem, Tyler told me self-improvement is masturbation.
Jack's cock is crowing.
The therapist asks "Where does this destructive behaviour stem from?"
I say nothing, thats Rule 1. Rule 2, see Rule 1.
   The best memories I have with my father are when he beats the shit out of me. I never got a hug, or a pat on the back, or even much converation. When his clenched hand made contact, those were the moments I felt most alive and close to him. It was our father and son time. The bonding of men.
For my father I would give the shirt of my back. I am barefoot and walking on eggshells. Rule 6.
Jack's nose is broken as is my concentration; I haven't slept in three weeks.
History repeats itself as I ride the viscious unicycle, I long for tears. I long for Robert Paulson, that big moosie, his embrace was my vacation, and I killed him. Not in the traditional sense, but through Project Mayhem.
   The term mayhem; is to do a damaging or violent action, or to commit the crime of crippling or mutating a person. I look down at the acid burn on my hand, and with that hand I stroke the crooked train track on my face.
I am Tyler's Project Mayhem.
I am an innocent criminal. Project Mayhem has completely spun out of control since I've been in here; we get to watch the news in the common room. The Parker-Morris building was the first of many to fall down, it began the domino effect in this city's mass destruction. Cars overturned and on fire, stampedes of people run wild in the streets making the L.A. riots look tame.
Tyler Durden Lives graffiti talks hard, underground fight clubs infest our city like the plague, mayhem is everywhere.

   Most people feel they are legends in their own mind, and here a part of my mind has become a legend.
I watch these orderlies in the ward and I feel pity for them, they are the glorrified babysitters of GOD's faux pas'; the one that delivers my food tray nods and whispers.
"We have the girl, the crow flies at midnight sir."
I swear I'm hearing things.
"What" I say.
"The crow flies at midnight."
He unbuttons his uniform shirt showing me a t-shirt that reads: Tyler says. I need no more explanation, history repeats itself. Tyler was the splice in the film of the human mind, giving subliminal commands that you feel compelled to follow through on.
They were breaking me out for the greater good of Project Mayhem and there was nothing I could do about it. At the stroke of midnight I was muzzled, so screaming was useless. In fact, in the Psych ward screams were an unpleasant amenity. This new security guard carried me out; it was all part of their plan.
They were looking for order and thought I was it.
   I feel like I haven't been completely honest, seat 7F was not the first time I met Tyler Durden, nor was it the last.
Tyler was the ambassador of the blue-collar society. Tyler oozed cool in his pimp fur coat, shaved head and aviator sunglasses, as he held open the door of the van I'm being thrown into.
Like a broken scratchy record; this question screams.
Who would you want to fight to the death?
The answer; myself.

Monday, September 13, 2010


We live in a world of story-tellers; even if their stories are never heard
Everyone has stories
The Mighty
The Beaten
The Broken
It is usually the beaten that have the unheard tales of Love, Struggle and Adversity

In a crowded coffee shop, a man named Dan approached me and only me; asking for some change
Was he asking for copper and silver or something much more.....
Maybe a change in perspective or society
I gave him all I had in my pockets, but was fresh out of hope
He got himself a sandwich and dessert, when he returned I asked his name with my hand extended.

Behind his strained pain stained eyes arose a look of surprise, hands shook, his were purple and weathered, beaten from the cold of the weather and the world.

He pulled out an extension cord with no female end; This hits me as a metaphor as how unconnected we all can be and are and often alone with our own fight.

On a side note:
I am so bothered by this ongoing struggle between bullys and victims, when will it end. Cases like Dustin Lafortune being tortured and now Gerald Dumas being lit on fire when all he wanted was  an evening walk and a six pack. These stories pull on my heart strings that I wish were attached to bells and could toll a sound of justice.

I long for the days when the words Friendly Manitoba resembled a truth and I wish I could be a crime fighter and that the fight for safer streets may not be such a struggle.

Maybe its time to watch Kick Ass again and start sewing a cape!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Thomas Edison - 1894 Boxing cats

NYC Pillow Fight 2009

                          My second fightblog was somewhat political, now as promised I present Pillow!
I must say; I think this is pretty cool.
Who's with me, for an RRC pillow fight! Body one's acceptable!

Good Ad vs Bad Ad as we all fought for or against "The Mad Man"

It was Good Ad vs Bad Ad this morning and for a lot of us the real opponent was our nervousness. I know it was for me. I was up before the sun and was full of nervous energy. Floating around like a butterfly second guessing myself and my choice, and hoping I could sting like a bee and speak like a champ when my name was called.
All the contenders before and after me were fierce. hitting their points; (good or bad) home with gusto, with much respect to all I give a huge Kudos. To highlight a few:
Adam fought against "The Mad Man" in an ad for fighting off armpit residue as did Jennifer as she winded out her opponent as she fought against a "cheese"y ad that referred to cutting it.
One of my favorites was watching Albertine draw blood as she decapitated royalty in her fight for "The Man"
I was thrown in to the ring, my name and specs was announced.
Ding Ding
First jab, second jab
My anxiety is no match for me
Uppercuts are taken well, the class is engaged.
Dancing around the ring punching out points as I fight for the man.
In this case the man was Trident White gum;
My fight went as follows:
Trident White gum; I came across this ad in an issue of Men's Health that was published in the month of September 2010. In my opinion this was a perfect space for it, because let's face it, Men's Health has become the man's Cosmo. "The Cosman" if you will. Men's health magazine is comprised of fashion, eating and exercise tips, as well as recipes, culture quips and insight into what the opposite sex really wants. I know as a man, that when one buys a copy of Men's Health it is for one of two reasons; to look our best and to get the girl. The copy on this particular ad reads: 35% MORE OFFICECRUSHABLE. When about 35% of guys see this ad they are going to think to themselves; "Awesome, whiter teeth and a threesome!" Now for the other percent that tamer guys like myself fall into, the copy on this ad will probably register as; "Whiter teeth, now comes with beautiful free thinking women."  Either way it is a win-win. We live in a world of attraction, and  all want to be attractive to ourselves and to others. Men's Health and similar magazines know this; and get their readers in that mind set of improving the way they, and others perceive them. So having an ad like this in Men's Health is ideal. It will stick in the reader's mind the next time they are at the local Shopper's Drug Mart or where have you, to purchase their multivitamins, health prouducts and skin creams. After stocking up on the improvement suggestions that Men's Health had to offer, these shoppers will reach the register where the last minute purchases such as gum are so strategically placed. They will reach for Trident White, flavor optional, recalling the influential ad suggesting a higher percentage of attraction. Without thinking twice, they will toss it into their basket of improvement, and be on their way.
That is why I believe it's a good ad.

Last Round/ Previous Fight went to the desk.
This Round/ New Fight goes to me.
The day is done.
All contenders fistacuffed beautifully against and for.

You are not your first week grades!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Bourne Vs DareDevil

When they write together. They're both win.
But in a fight together; Who would?
Good Will Vs Bad Ben.
That's right Chaddketeers, it's the poll of the week  and remember......
The second rule of Fight Blog is; You must comment on Fight Blog.

Two boys from bean town.
Matt and  Ben
How would it go down.
Now keep in mind; even though Matt might be in the zone, green or otherwise.
Ben had to hold his own with Jenny from the block, so it's any one's game.

So you tell me ....
Will Matt be at the losing end of Ben's reindeer games?
Will Ben be forced to like Matt's apples?

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Chadd Vs David Vs The Desk:

David is my good friend who just got back from getting married in Israel days before CreComm started and was disappointed I could not attend for obvious reasons. So for the band of Chaddketeers who have actually been following my blog, you will remember I was just going to get back to reading Noah's Turn when my leg began to vibrate; it was David.
I need your help putting together a desk he says. Now what can I say, even though I have homework on the brain, just got off a 48 hr shift at the group home and had been in the middle of enjoying a cold one. I did miss his wedding afterall and hadn't really seen him since.
Sure I'll be right down I say.
I get to David's  and this desk is a monstrosity, that is shaped like a 7. and is in 2 boxes. I'm thinkin Holy Frick but am still kinda confident. Kinda.
David says it came with two instruction manuals so we can both have one. Strangley enough that made sense to me at the time, knowing that guys are notorious for throwing away the instructions. I figured that some companies finally got smart and began including  safety nets.
So the box is in one room. We open the box.
Screws, and then more screws, & squares, oh my!
It turns out, David wants it moved in the other room.

Ding Ding
The fight is on:
Not here.
Look at the picture.
I am.
We get part of it together.
David wants it reversed.
You did it wrong!
No I didn't!
Look at the picture!
I did!
The desk is sitting smug, taunting us with his unfinishedness.
It turns out the reason there was two instruction manuals.... is because it comes with  an option of left or right L shaped assembly.
Battle of the "Manual" Brain
Left Vs Right.
Round 1
goes to the desk.
A lil tired to say the least.
I throw in the towel.
Tomorrow after I get some homework done.
Round 2.

You are not your complex office furniture!

"Everyone has their own battle"

This is a poignant quote; true in every sense.
This is a quote Noah had never forgotton made by one of his philosophy professors.
Noah being the main character in "Noahs Turn"

So fellow CreComm 3's I decided to take a page out of Palmer's book after an great interview and decided an hour ago I would pop a cold one and start on some reading.


Noah's Turn is not a title that unveils a story.  40 pages or so in not knowing what to expect, it is already going in to my favorite books list. I see smidges of myself in Noah the amount of smidges I am keeping to myself.
Well classmates, if you have a warped sense of humor like myself you are in for a good read one I want to get back to myself.

FYI if the CreComm 3's haven't picked it up yet there are still some copies at Mc Nally Grant Park and Polo Chapters and it goes for $27.99

Happy Reading!

For Noah:

You are not your douchebag friends!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

What Golden Girl would get the Golden Gloves?

Bea Arthur had height and reach.
Betty White had speed and feist.
Bea Vs Betty! RIP B.A. But....when in their prime...

Who do you think would win in a fight and why??

The second rule of Fight Blog is you have to comment at Fight Blog.

You are not your wager!

Thank you for being a friend.

Sept 9th- The Local Headliner -Chapman Vs King

So it seems that Chapman vs King will begin to battle it out when they return to court on September 9th, Apparently they  needed to give Chapman some more time so he could retain a new lawyer. Funny, if he would of retained a new lawyer when King first made his indecent proposal he wouldn't be in this fiasco nor would he have to possibly pay back $25,000 for an imbreachment in a contract that would have never been drawn up in the first place. But Chapman is asking for $67 million so I'm sure he'll be fine.
Really!? Where does one get such a figure and by the way having someone ask your somewhat morally bankrupt mind to come out and play does not merit a lawsuit. Guessing Chapman isn't a Kelly Clarkson fan otherwise he would have known to Walk Away since there was no reason to stay with King and his unsavoury suggestions.
Chapman needs some Bugs Bunny in his life to slap him with a brick filled glove and call him a maroon.
And all three of them need a  refresher class in ethics.

But that is just one mans view on another man's fight.

The first rule of Fight Blog is....

You must tweet about Fight Blog.

My name is Chadd Cawson and I am a first year student  in the Creative Communications program at Red River College and birthing this blog is a result of that.
You might as well know that I am a Fight Club enthusiast I loved both the book and film.
This blog will refer to it from time to time but is essentially about fights in general. Political to Pillow and everything in between. I will have polls on who do you think would win a fight and will ask you to vote in and tell me why.
And for those interested you will hear updates on how I, along with my fellow classmates continue to fight the good CreComm fight.

You are not your school supplies!