Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Bourne Vs DareDevil

When they write together. They're both win.
But in a fight together; Who would?
Good Will Vs Bad Ben.
That's right Chaddketeers, it's the poll of the week  and remember......
The second rule of Fight Blog is; You must comment on Fight Blog.

Two boys from bean town.
Matt and  Ben
How would it go down.
Now keep in mind; even though Matt might be in the zone, green or otherwise.
Ben had to hold his own with Jenny from the block, so it's any one's game.

So you tell me ....
Will Matt be at the losing end of Ben's reindeer games?
Will Ben be forced to like Matt's apples?


  1. Hands down, Bourne wins. Bourne vs. Anyone? Most likely, Bourne wins. Peter Griffin to Matt Damon - "Ben Affleck married Jennifer Garner and you married a bartender with a kid. These are facts."

  2. Well said, well played and I must concur.
